Tagged: Aurora FX

Gelish Aurora FX Collection

The Gelish Aurora FX Collection has been out for quite a while, but I just recently picked up the last two colors that I was missing from the set.  I thought it would make sense to put all of the colors from the collection in one post.  I apologize...

Gelish Ali Baba Sim Sala Bim

This is Gelish Ali Baba Sim Sala Bim from the Aurora FX Collection. This was one of the first Gelish polishes that I purchased. I ended up selling it and then buying it a second time because I missed it! When I first tried this color it seemed to...

Chickettes.com: Gelish Caution & Izzy Wizzy for some added sparkle

Gelish Caution & Izzy Wizzy Let’s Get Busy

This manicure is two coats of Gelish Caution with one coat of Izzy Wizzy Let’s Get Busy on top.  Izzy Wizzy adds a great iridescent purple shimmer and it looks different depending on the angle and lighting as you can see below.  Caution was one of my favorite colors...

Chickettes.com: Gelish Ali Baba Sim Sala Bam & Izzy Wizzy Let's Get Busy

Ali Baba Sim Sala Bam & Izzy Wizzy Let’s Get Busy

These are two new colors that I just purchased from the Gelish Aurora FX collection, Ali Baba Sim Sala Bam and Izzy Wizzy Let’s Get Busy.  I’m not as impressed with these colors in stand-alone form as I am with the Oocha Coocha color from this collection.  They are...

Gelish Oocha Coocha Bing Bang Bam

Gelish Oocha Coocha Bing Bang Bam Alakazy Alakazam!

Wow, that’s a mouthful! Harmony Gelish’s new color “Oocha Coocha Bing Bang Bam Alakazy Alakazam” is possibly one of my favorites yet. I had been wishing for a nice teal color, but I held off on buying Mint Icing because the reviews all said it looked more green than...